** Two English Mums with 28 years experience living in France! **
Accommodation searches short, medium & long term
Help with house purchases (we are not an estate agent, therefore totally without bias)
Help with Utilities - English speaking contacts for all requirements (Banking, Insurance....)
English TV installation - Telephone & internet installations
Holiday Home / Gite Management (15 years experience in the UK Travel Industry)
Making friends - Helping with schools, creches, nannies, shopping, home-making...
We charge an hourly rate or part thereof
Our overall aim? To get you independent as quickly and painlessly as possible
Telling you how it is, no rose-tinted spectacles here.

Monday 23 March 2009

American International section in September 2009 at Lycée Jules Guesde in Montpellier

Dear Members, friends, supporters,

The opening of an American section to the Internationa Option of the Baccalauréat at the Lycée Jules Guesde (previously Mas de Tesse) has been confirmed for September 2009. After years of efforts we are very happy to reach this goal which could not have been achieved without you and your renewed support.
  • Open Doors at Jules Guesde on Saturday March 21 (9am-12pm). More details on http://www.julesguesde.fr/spip.php?rubrique76
  • Opening is for students entering Seconde next September
  • Monday March 23, our association plans to hand M. SCHROTZENBERGER, Proviseur at J. Guesde, the completed pre-registration forms received so far
There is still time to complete and return the attached pre-registration form to ieam-outbound@wanadoo.fr (or mail hard copies to 140 rue de Jausserand, 34000 Montpellier) for all school levels (maternelle, primaire, collège, and lycée). This will back up our request to extend the opening of the American section at all school levels in the Académie of Montpellier.
Feel free to transfer this information to all people likely to be interested. the following link will provide you with plenty of details on international sections: http://www.fdei.org/#FR&hp.
Thank you again for your contribution to this success.

Best regards,
Nathalie Modjeska
IEAM Outbound


Unknown said...

Thanks for this information Wendy. We currently live in the Dordogne (with 7-year old son) and are planning on moving to the Montpellier area. It would be great if you could do a post explaining a bit more about the Lycee Jules Guesde. Is it a good school? And what does the "International Option" mean. Do you need to live near it in order for your children to be able to attend? Many thanks. Sophia

Wendy Johnson said...


Hello all the information about the American section of this school is above..
Hope that helps.