** Two English Mums with 28 years experience living in France! **
Accommodation searches short, medium & long term
Help with house purchases (we are not an estate agent, therefore totally without bias)
Help with Utilities - English speaking contacts for all requirements (Banking, Insurance....)
English TV installation - Telephone & internet installations
Holiday Home / Gite Management (15 years experience in the UK Travel Industry)
Making friends - Helping with schools, creches, nannies, shopping, home-making...
We charge an hourly rate or part thereof
Our overall aim? To get you independent as quickly and painlessly as possible
Telling you how it is, no rose-tinted spectacles here.

Thursday, 20 January 2011

10 things to know about raising kids in France

It's just across the Channel and a favourite destination for family holidays. But how easy is it to relocate to France? Tamsyn, who blogs at Anecdotes of a Manic Mum, moved there with her husband and three children, and now has four. She's learned a thing or three about raising a family en France.

Having decided to quit England’s pastures’ green in 2006, with my son, 2 ¾, my daughter 16 months, and my daughter of 7 weeks…a few weeks later we hit the road, and 48 hours later, several ‘brink-of-divorce’ conversations, driving on the wrong side of the road, and not being able to communicate with a soul (no, I spoke not a word of French on arrival) later, we are in La France…I now have 4 kids, and an inkling of 10 things that you should know about raising kids in France.

Read more: http://www.bmbblog.co.uk/2011/01/guest-blog-10-things-to-know-about-raising-kids-in-france.html

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